Adult Ministries
Hi-Noon Group
The Hi-Noon Group meets the first Monday each month at 12 noon (except summer). Bring a bag lunch and a friend and enjoy the featured program, a presentation or a guest speaker. All (those of age 60 and older and those of any age) are welcome at the meetings.
Bible Study and Book Club Groups
Meet for discussion following a pot luck supper. Usually meets on Wednesday evenings.
Lenten Program
Each Wednesday evening in Lent we have a Lenten program, beginning with a pot luck supper at 6pm. The program(s) follow supper. Check the schedule for program details.
The Hi-Noon Group meets the first Monday each month at 12 noon (except summer). Bring a bag lunch and a friend and enjoy the featured program, a presentation or a guest speaker. All (those of age 60 and older and those of any age) are welcome at the meetings.
Bible Study and Book Club Groups
Meet for discussion following a pot luck supper. Usually meets on Wednesday evenings.
Lenten Program
Each Wednesday evening in Lent we have a Lenten program, beginning with a pot luck supper at 6pm. The program(s) follow supper. Check the schedule for program details.